Bobby Ning is the Managing Director and Co-Founder of the Financial Literacy Counsel (FLC). With over 25 years of experience as a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), he specializes in delivering comprehensive wealth, tax, and estate management solutions tailored for physicians and business leaders. Additionally, he holds the Certificate in Family Business Advising (CFBA) and the Certificate in Financial Wealth Advising (CFWA), enabling him to consult with family offices and develop programs for heirs and beneficiaries. He is a 17 year MDRT member with 2 Court of the Table and Top of the Table 4 times.
Bobby oversees a multi-advisory practice that manages the financial affairs of 2,000 families, in addition to his personal clientele.
He also contributes his expertise by serving on various committees and the Board of Governors within his local community.
Mutual funds and ETF’s are offered through Investia Financial Services Inc.